What is your time worth to you?
Maybe in addition to being a gym owner or coach, you are a father or a mother. You may be a full-time employee, a student, a son or a daughter. Nonetheless, you are not just a coach or gym owner. You wear several hats, as we all do.
How satisfying would it be to you if we said we can give you back some of your time and bring in extra revenue to your facility?
The #HybridAF platform can give you back your time. Along with the countless ways we offer your gym members an extended amount of value to their memberships and additional revenue in your pockets; you will also see the benefits of having the application personally on day 1 with our streamlined implementation process.
We know as humans not all two things are created equal, so why would you utilize your time trying to piecemeal a similar, low grade, “cheaper” version of our system to your gym when we have created a streamlined platform for you? We hear it all the time from gym owners in the network that looked into DYI that the #HybridAF platform is the best value they could find.
“If you think you can do it on your own, not saying you cannot, it’s just not worth the time, effort and brain cells to work it out. #HybridAF is simple to set up, it works, the app is a way better system than any fob or code and they are super easy to work with. They are always quick to respond and obviously care about each customer. Very happy to be a part of the Hybrid network and will be for years to come.”Lieven DeGeyndt – Petworth Fitness
#HybridAF has created an platform that is a one stop shop for 24/7/356 access to facilities. Our application has features built into the program that you will not find anywhere else. Some of those gyms have been trying to replicate the #HybridAF system on their own, but can’t seem to duplicate with the ease, convenience, support and value our system offers.
When looking at the “DIY” route versus the #HybridAF platform see how many features you can check off based on the list of features that #HybridAF delivers to you:

- Your waiver built in the app
- Your gym rules easily available on the app
- An emergency call button for your members (no need for a lanyard or dedicated 911 device)
- Alerts to you when people access the facility, register, request access and more
- Easy installation of the system with our bonded install teams (you don’t have to track down multiple third parties and permits)
- Best Practice Recommendations for running an “unattended” facility that have been vetted and approved by insurance providers all across the globe
- Marketing collateral around 24/7
- Integration with gym management platforms like Wodify
- Frequent updates and advancements based on facility owner feedback and needs
- Most importantly you are giving your members access to all #HybridAF network members for free! No more drop in fees or searching for a “good” gym when traveling. They are part of an international fitness family.
Our process is simple. Stop wasting your time searching for the right equipment, finding supporting software vendors, securing a contractor for installation and adding the additional supporting fees and still not being able to add the value that #HybridAF can for you and your members.
#HybridAF is your one stop shop for a 24/7/365 system. Don’t waste your time, let us give that back to you so you can focus on what is important to you.
Are you ready to increase your revenue by diversifying your gym from the competition? Visit our website at https://hybridaf.com or contact us at sales@hybridaf.com if you want to learn more about becoming a 24/7/365 facility.
Welcome to the newest #HybridAF Affiliates!
CrossFit Charlotte, Charlotte NC
CrossFit Hoka Hey, Hemet CA
CrossFit Kainos, Soldotna AK
Grid CrossFit, New Berlin WI
Power Performance, Loveland OH
West Metro CrossFit, Wheat Ridge CO
A Night At The Box With Scott And Elijah
Box Owners Night
Friday, August 24th from 4PM – 8PM
You are invited to a night reserved just for you!
We are offering you the chance to get together with your peers for a night of insights, ideas, and inspiration.
Nepean CrossFit and #HybridAF along with Elijah Muhammad and Scott Panchik are hosting a box owners’ night where you meet other box owners and their coaches. You can spend time with experts in nutrition, recovery, movement, and more. In addition, you will meet and talk with Elijah and Scott.
The night is all about you, the box owner, and how you can add value to your box. Find out from experts how you can utilize their services or services like theirs.
Chat with other box owners about what they do and how they tackle challenges. Talk to Scott and Elijah about how they run their boxes and manage to train and compete at a high level.
The night will include:
- Meet and greet Elijah Mahammad and Scott Panchik
- Hybrid Athlete Foundation all hours access demonstration and information
- RX Smart Gear demonstration/tuition and giveaways
- Balance Health and Performance movement/mobility talk
- Fortitude Nutrition coaching information Q & A
- Massage Gun Australia demonstration/tuition
- Blue Dinosaur giveaways
- True Protein information and samples
- Rock Tape information and giveaways
- Food and beverages
- T-Shirt for all participants
- $275 per affiliate owner or $375 per affiliate owner + 1 coach
To register please click here.