Last spring, Katie Jobe decided she wanted to find a way to offer more value to her members at CrossFit Sedalia in Sedalia, Missouri, a gym she has owned for a decade.
She turned to Hybrid AF for a possible solution.
A few short months later, not only is Jobe offering more value to her members, but she’s also generating well over $1,000 more each month in newfound revenue, and she’s finally able to take Sundays away from the gym, which Jobe explained is priceless.
How Jobe is Doing it
Jobe charges $10 a month as an add-on fee for current members who want Hybrid AF’s unattended access. Currently, close to 30 of her members are taking advantage of it, she explained.
And when Jobe realized everyone who was showing up on Sundays was a HybridAF paying member, she decided it was about time she took Sundays off.
“There has been no push back, no complaints, which is great,” Jobe said.
But even more profitable for Jobe’s business has been the fact that the entire Track and field team at the local community college—State Fair Community College—is now calling her gym their home to train.
“They come in during off-hours or open gym hours, and we just provide the space,” Jobe said.
The college pays the athletes’ membership fees, and it is generating an additional $1,000 a month for the gym. Best of all, it’s revenue that is zero work for her, Jobe explained.
“We’re not doing anything except providing the space,” she explained.
Further, Jobe is able to provide the Track and Field coach at the college a report each month detailing which athletes are showing up to her gym each week, so the coach is able to monitor their athletes’ compliance to their training program.
Worth Noting: Jobe also pointed to the importance of having gym management software that integrates with HybridAF in order for it to be a seamless experience for the member.
“Overall, it is so easy. All I have to do is attach a HybridAF plan to my members on PushPress Core, and within 30 minutes they’re getting an email asking them to join HybridAF,” she said.
One more thing: Not only do the track and field athletes from State Fair Community College take advantage of the unattended access at CrossFit Sedalia, but Jobe and her team also work with the college’s softball and soccer teams.
This has also been hugely beneficial to her business, Jobe explained, and she recommends other gym owners who are looking to generate additional revenue to tap into a potential partnership with a local college near their gym.
Final Thoughts: Hybrid AF is a No Brainer
Ultimately, the decision to add unattended access via Hybrid AF has improved both Jobe’s life and business, making them better and easier.
Jobe can now enjoy a consistent day off from work each week, and her business revenue has seen an easy increase.
“It’s just awesome. Our members love it. I love it. It gives me a break, too, as a gym owner…We’re loving it, and we hope to continue to grow with it,” she said.